Getting in touch with myself - Through Data

Posted on 10 September 2022

I used my resting heart rate data and Spotify listening history to visualize my stress, mood, and basic music taste.

I’ve been wearing a smartwatch for years, so I used the resting heart rate data to visualize my stress levels across all of college (+ first few months of adult life). You can also see my cardio declining over time since I graduated high school. This is based off a 10 day moving average with outliers trimmed.

It’s cool to visualize stress and cardio fitness, but my Spotify listening history can show the rest of the story.

First off, here are my top 10 artists through the last 3 years (30 Day Moving Average):

But just how obsessed do I get with certain artists? Let’s see how much of my listening is from my top artists at any given time during the period:

How much am I listening overall? (Sorry dark mode users – I’m too lazy to make a dark version of these graphs)

Earlier, we saw my stress levels through my resting heart rate, but can we get a pulse (pun intended) on my mood? Turns out Spotify classifies all songs with a measure of “valence” which they define as:

Tracks with high valence sound more positive (e.g. happy, cheerful, euphoric), while tracks with low valence sound more negative (e.g. sad, depressed, angry).

Using this, we can see my average valence of songs I’m listening to in order to get an idea of how happy/sad I am:

I’m not going to annotate this one like I did for stress because it gets a little personal, but I will say this is a very accurate graph of my mood over the last 3 years.